The Pulte Problem: Part II

16 min readJan 31, 2024


“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”-Proverbs 16:18

Well, here we are again, friends. I hope everyone enjoyed a little time away, but there are a few more things on my list of concerns regarding Pulte that need to be addressed before I can return to Llama Land. And since it seems Bill Pulte may be morphing into yet another version of himself in a desperate attempt to stay relevant, I think this might be a timely descent into Bill Pulte’s intentions as well as the origins and motives of his presence in retail communities. Let’s get this over with…

(This is the serial-killer aesthetic filter, I think!)

The Ryan Cohen “Likes”: The Elephant in the Room

One of the most obvious contradictions to The Pulte Problem is that a lot of us, myself included, initially believed that RC was friendly with or at the very least endorsing Bill Pulte by liking his tweets. For over a year, that was the one thing I couldn’t wrap my head around, especially given that nagging feeling in my gut that told me Pulte was not at all what he seemed. And regardless of his obvious arrogance and narcissism, as well as the growing feeling that this might all be a political move, I kept coming back to those likes, and they carried me along for a while.

Looking back, I’m surprised at how those likes were able to override my instincts, but evidence was evidence, right? What the hell else could they mean? It was obvious. I had to be wrong because why would RC like the tweets of someone who was actively working against the Gamestop community and retail investors, entirely? Why, indeed?

The thing is, when you really look back in time and start pulling the threads a little bit, it’s pretty obvious that RC has a history of online trolling — calling attention to those he knows are liars, scam artists, shills, or groups associated with the very kind of people and organizations many of us hate. Or stand against. Or whatever you want to call it. Doug Cifu of the Panthers and the RC Panthers like is one such instance, but there are many others. Yuri Tarded Employee of the Year, anyone? LOL. (That was fucking legendary, wasn’t it?)

Anyway, a like is not an endorsement and a comment is frequently a play or a joke, we all know that. That doesn’t mean everything he does is trolling, it simply means he is a human being who sometimes fucks with the people who fuck with us — and him. I think it’s his way of saying, “I see you, and I’m not playing by your rules, bitches.” Further, most of his actual tweets are jokes, mocking and sardonic in nature. You mean to tell me that suddenly, he became someone else and is fangirling for Pulte? Not. A. Fucking. Chance. I do not believe that.

There also exists the possibility that RC knew if he called attention to Pulte, people were going to dig. It’s a favorite pastime in retail communities for those of us who are so inclined, to dig up everything and anything we can in order to understand who is here for the right or maybe the wrong reasons. Pulte, according to most cursory search results, was as good and well-intentioned as he seemed, but when I put it all together with the other things I knew or noticed, I realized it simply couldn’t be. RC wouldn’t endorse this guy. He was doing something else, and like the slobbering idiots we are, we jumped on the likes and completely misread the glowing neon sign telling us this guy (Pulte) was trouble.

The last thing I did consider is that, as many of us were fooled by Pulte and his apparent good intentions from the outset, RC may have been, too, but honestly, I don’t believe that for a second. You make up your own mind, but I doubt RC ever stood with or even on the same team as Pulte, and he damn well knew what he was doing by liking those tweets — making it so a big ass light would shine on Pulte, not in a good way, but to reveal his flawed character and shitty intentions. Thus, I’m very confident that, for the reasons presented previously as well as what I’m going to present here, RC doesn’t like jack shit about Pulte or what he is trying to do here. Let’s move on, because there are quite a few other things that figure into this mess, aren’t there?

The Pulte Homes Circus

Most of us already know about the “Pulte Management Scandal”, but for clarity’s sake, let’s review for a moment. You may find these articles explaining helpful if you need to play catch up:

PulteGroup settles leadership feud with announcement of new CEO, board member

Published Sept. 9, 2016

PulteGroup Board Terminates 2nd Executive Amid Management Social Media Scandal

PR Newswire Tue, Mar 14, 2023

Bill Pulte Asks PulteGroup Board to Implement Succession Plan

April 24, 2023

Suffice it to say, there’s been a boatload of shit-slinging going on in the Pulte Family and over at Pulte Homes, and Bill claims he is nothing but a solemn champion for his grandfather’s company. Maybe he is, but it’s really tough for me after writing The Pulte Problem Part I to imagine Bill Pulte as the innocent victim of anything, let alone of a terrible, nefarious plot on multiple fronts from his entire family to keep him from his grandfather’s legacy…really hard. Downright impossible, really, even in light of that court case he won. Something just — as with everything Pulte — feels like the whole truth is missing and key facts are being intentionally obscured. It also seems like he is clearly trying to shove the “woe is me” narrative down the throats of anyone and everyone who gives him the opportunity to speak about his “suffering” (watch Bill complain about what a victim he is for the nine millionth time on air with Hedgeye:

But all of this is fine, right? Isn’t he rightful heir to the throne, the golden grandkid? Shouldn’t he be running the show? Wasn’t he, as he so often reminds everyone, his grandfather’s favorite? Well, the Pulte family is pretty big, so I would imagine there are others who are interested bearing the titles and probably have better claims — like Nancy Rickard, or as Bill likes to call her “The Dollmaker” (the comic-book villain-esque title is hard not to indulge in, but that’s the point, isn’t it?) In fact, it seems Nancy is actually a pretty active and accomplished woman:

Nancy Pulte Rickard:

But she’s just a “dollmaker”, right? This alone is a big fucking red flag to me. Someone who cannot play on a level playing field by virtue and integrity alone and has to use someone’s hobbies and personal interests to make themselves look bigger or better is no hero, and no victim either. Maybe Bill wants something that Nancy has and it pisses him off because he is a jealous, spineless, slimy shitbag. I mean, for all I know, Nancy is, too, but me? I would absolutely pick Nancy “The Dollmaker” over the snake I’ve gotten to know quite well over the past few weeks. Just sayin’…She makes dolls. He makes illegal SPAC donations. LOL. Big difference.

Here is Bill using the Pulte name and speaking for his entire family attacking Nancy Rickard to give the appearance that the entire Pulte family is against her, but that’s not quite the truth, is it, Bill? I would love to see sworn affadavits stating as much, because that is the only way I would believe Billy Boy is the hero here. And even then, I’m not sure it would convince anyone.

This is a letter that came from The Bill Pulte Foundation (Bill’s counter to the actual Pulte Family Charitable Foundation run by his nemesis, “The Dollmaker”:

“Please read this important statement from The Pulte Family.

Over many decades, the generations of Pulte family members have grown to include 14 children, and more than three dozen grandchildren and great-grandchildren, of William J. Pulte (1932–2018), the founder of Pulte Homes, PulteGroup and the funder of the Bill Pulte Foundation (“Pulte Foundation”). In the extended Pulte Family, there are over 100 members. With the expansion of our family and its various business and charitable endeavors, The Pulte Family believes some have intended to mislead, and potentially defraud investors, into misunderstandings around the companies, organizations, brands and personal initiatives that bear the Pulte name.

With this statement, we wish to officially clarify any intended confusion, most specifically as it relates to The Pulte Family and any perceived association with Nancy Pulte Rickard, a former dollmaker who to our knowledge has no stock in PulteGroup, was never trusted by William J. Pulte at PulteGroup, and has no responsibility in PulteGroup.

First and foremost, it is important to note that the Pulte Family bears no ill will towards Nancy Pulte Rickard. We recognize and respect her place as one of William Pulte’s 50 children and grandchildren, and we acknowledge her right to use her own name in her own personal, business and philanthropic initiatives, including her multiple social media accounts.

However, the Pulte Family believes that some of Nancy Rickard’s public communications, including statements alongside Ryan Marshall, the current CEO of PulteGroup, were intended to create confusion between our family and Nancy Rickard, and ultimately to defraud investors into who the Pulte Family is at PulteGroup. We want to be clear that Nancy Rickard has never represented William J. Pulte with PulteGroup and is not a representative of, nor has he ever served in any capacity for, PulteGroup. Likewise, we are not affiliated with Nancy Rickard’s efforts through PFCF, nor her dollmaking business or the personal initiatives of Nancy Rickard nor the personal activities of Kevin Rickard.

We additionally believe that some of Nancy Rickard and Ryan Marshall’s misleading public communications through social media, public appearances, interviews, self-published articles or more may suggest that Nancy speaks on behalf of the entire Pulte Family. To the contrary, Nancy Rickard does not represent, nor is she a spokesperson for, all members of the Pulte family, in any capacity.

Again, our intent with this statement is to clarify the important distinction between the Pulte Family and Nancy Rickard’s personal pursuits including with Ryan Marshall. We seek to ensure that the Pulte Family’s voice is accurately represented and to resolve any intended confusion by Nancy Rickard and Ryan Marshall around these matters.

Moving forward, the Pulte Family remains committed to upholding our funder’s values of honor, integrity and charity.”


Below is the actual Pulte Family Charitable Foundation’s statement:

Important Statement

Please read this important statement from the Pulte Family Charitable Foundation:

The Pulte name represents a legacy in the U.S. homebuilding industry and in the global philanthropic community.

Over many decades, the generations of Pulte family members have grown to include the children, and more than three dozen grandchildren and great-grandchildren, of William J. Pulte (1932–2018), the founder of Pulte Homes, PulteGroup and the Pulte Family Charitable Foundation (PFCF). With the expansion of our family and its various business and charitable endeavors, PFCF believes there may be some unfortunate misunderstandings around the companies, organizations, brands and personal initiatives that bear the Pulte name.

With this statement, we wish to officially clarify any confusion, most specifically as it relates to the PFCF and any perceived association with Bill Pulte, Twitter Philanthropist and CEO of Pulte Capital Partners.

First and foremost, it is important to note that the PFCF bears no ill will towards Bill Pulte. We recognize and respect his place as one of William Pulte’s 25 grandchildren, and we acknowledge his right to use his own name in his own personal, business and philanthropic initiatives, including his multiple social media accounts, as long as such use does not cause confusion with PFCF.

However, the PFCF believes that some of Bill Pulte’s public communications may have created confusion between our organization and his endeavors. We want to be clear that Bill Pulte is not a representative of, nor has he ever served in any capacity for, the PFCF. Likewise, we are not affiliated with Bill Pulte’s efforts through Twitter philanthropy, nor his other business or personal initiatives.

We additionally believe that some of Bill Pulte’s public communications through social media, public appearances, interviews, self-published articles and more may suggest that he speaks on behalf of the entire Pulte family. To the contrary, Bill Pulte does not represent, nor is he a spokesperson for, all members of the Pulte family, in any capacity.

Again, our intent with this statement is to clarify the important distinction between the PFCF and Bill Pulte’s personal pursuits. We seek to ensure that the PFCF’s voice is accurately represented and to resolve any confusion around these matters.

Moving forward, the PFCF remains committed to upholding our founder’s values of honor, integrity and charity.

But wait…Did Grandpa Pulte CHOOSE Nancy, not Bill? It’s so confusing! Why would he do such a thing? And why in the world would Bill be so mad about his grandfather asking his actual daughter to run things unless he was a greedy, spoiled little shit stomping his feet because nobody wanted to hand his selfish, narcissistic ass the keys to the proverbial kingdom?

“Grandpa Pulte appoints Aunt Nancy to lead the Pulte Family Charitable Foundation, entrusting her with hundreds of millions. William J Ploot cries she’s a fake family representative, bankrupt, unsuccessful, and upset about not being in Grandpa’s will. So, which one is it?”

(Note: Never in my life did I think I would be visiting GME Meltdown, but they have so much good and oftentimes hilarious Pulte stuff I couldn’t resist!)

So, the story is starting to come together, I think. In fact, I’ve had a total lightbulb moment, here. It seems like Nancy was the “pick” so to speak, and Billy boy didn’t like that. In fact, when I tried to look more into Nancy, all I found was shitty, ad hominem dollmaker attacks that reminded me a lot of what happened when I was digging into Bill, initially, except all of his results were sickeningly saccharine endorsements. Two sides, same coin, I guess.

Has he paid or instructed his marketing or PR people to not only scrub his internet history of anything negative but to push all these ad hominem attacks on Nancy? I genuinely think so. I think Bill started the online bullshit, and then, when Nancy returned fire potentially involving Ryan Marshall, Bill escalated things and took it to a legal level. That’s the rub, isn’t it? If you have enough money, you can wash away all sorts of dastardly deeds. And round and round we go…

“Bill Pulte’s legacy lives on through his 14 kids and 25 grandchildren but also through the Pulte Family Charitable Foundation, a 501c3 entity that was funded as a result of the Two Bill Pulte’s saving Pulte Homes in 2016.

“The Foundation is committed to giving back nationwide to communities that have supported Pulte Homes over the last sixty-plus years,” said Nancy Pulte Rickard, President of the Pulte Family Charitable Foundation, in a separate release.

The Acting Directors of the Pulte Family Foundation are Nancy Rickard, Karen Koppal Pulte, and Mark Pulte who honor William J. Pulte by giving grants to organizations that help marginalized members of the human family, as well as steering funds to PulteGroup (PHM:NYSE) affiliated entities.”


It is my assertion that pretty much the entire Pulte Family is embarrassed by or wants a lot of distance from Bill because he fucking sucks and is a conniving asshat. He manipulated social media and the Pulte name to make himself look like a credible representative when he is in fact, the black sheep for a good reason. He’s a nasty festering boil on their asses, and they simply cannot get rid of him, although they clearly have tried. I think they are trying to do that tactfully and quietly, but it is becoming obvious that playing dirty is his game, and they need to at the very least up theirs.

Overall, there is so much to unpack here, I could probably write an entire book about it. But who would want to? It’s awful and deeply sad when you really think about it. I thought my family was kinda fucky, but this is a whole other level of dysfunctional. And I honestly don’t know if Nancy “The Dollmaker” or any other actual representative for the Pulte family are good people, but I know in my heart and mind who and what Bill Pulte is, and it’s disgusting to me that he could potentially be doing all of this because he is a child who didn’t get his way. Period.

And in my opinion, all of this and what I’ve previously written about in Part I make Bill Pulte not only a huge piece of shit, but also, dangerous to fair and free markets. Case in point — BBBY.

Is Pulte “Pumping” Stocks? Why is he really here?

When Bill Pulte and I first crossed paths, it was because I was advocating for better education for retail investors and working to share information on corruption and criminal behavior in capital markets. He showed up, I asked a few pointed questions, he never responded, and as I mentioned before, I sat back and watched. While there were a variety of previously discussed red flags (The Pulte Problem: Part I) along the way, my concerns were raised significantly when I saw Pulte pushing PHM and then at one event handing out contracts by proxy through Kais Maleej assuring those voting rights for twenty years.

I started wondering, what’s his angle here? And I think many of you wondered the same. Is he pumping PHM or just endorsing his family’s company? Does he want to be the face of ThePPShow and use that audience to launch himself as a “stock guy” on top of everything else? I had so many questions, and I didn’t say a word about them. I sat back and watched. I waited. I shouldn’t have.

It became clear in checking his social media accounts on other platforms that Pulte had launched an aggressive, multi-faceted campaign in many ways, and a lot of people were only seeing the pieces one at a time, not putting the whole puzzle together. Other tickers were also suddenly being pushed to the forefront by Pulte — not just PHM, either. RUM and SAVE were two of them. IEP was his effort to connect with Icahn, perhaps? AMC, too. What the fuck was happening? My head was spinning for a while, there. But, at some point, I realized this was dangerously close to stock pumping if not actually, actively and very publicly doing so.

He was influencing the market in ways that were contradictory to what he said he was here for — philanthropy and helping retail investors achieve fair and free markets. Not only that, but he was linking himself (or trying to) with big names who had large followings. (A lot of the tweets about RUM and SAVE have also been deleted, and I think this was a direct and clear reaction to accusations of stock pumping — which in my opinion is EXACTLY what’s happening.)

I could go on. There are many other aspects about this that make my skin crawl. So much. But I’m physically sickened by Bill Pulte and what he claims to represent. I need to be done here. I dreaded even writing this because it’s so fucking transparent that I shouldn’t have had to spend all this time on it, but I did. I felt like I had to. I am finally comfortable that I’ve at least given voice to the others like me who had major concerns from the outset, and maybe this stupid little research project will make a difference. I don’t think I will ever know if that happens, and I’m okay with that. I always knew doing this would end with me never realizing or understanding the impact it had, if any.

For those of you who got this far, congratulations. If you still have questions like who this fucking Kais guy and what’s up with the weird Christian Nationalist bs, you’re welcome to reach out via DM or tweet for the information I have on that. Here’s a few fun tidbits!

As it stands, between this article and Part I of The Pulte Problem, I think I’ve shown you more than enough to make an educated, informed, and holistic decision on what you think Pulte is here for.

As for me, I’ll keep an eye on him, but I’m moving on and moving up. He’s small potatoes, in the grand scheme of things, but he has the potential to do a boatload of damage as it stands. Hope you’ve enjoyed reading.

Power to the Players!


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Written by KnottyLlama

Just a llama trying to figure it all out. I’m here to help build a better tomorrow and to make things a little less shitty for us all.

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